Saturday, July 23, 2016


My very first post is titled WHY.

Why start a blog? Why did you start your own business? Why Thirty-One? Why do I continue?

That's a lot of whys for one person.

Why start a blog? I love to write fiction. This has been the first summer where I haven't spent every extra minute I have writing. I have been more present. I have devoted more time for my business. And I have been itching to sit down and write. But... when I immerse myself into the fictional world of my unfinished novel, I lose track of time and have no initiative to do anything. I decided that I would channel my creative energy into writing about my business and my passion for sharing the love!

Why did you start your own business? This is actually very simple and a very fitting dream for many women. I wanted to be home for my kids. I have three hyenas ages 13, 11, and 8. When I started, my youngest was in preschool and the other two were in elementary school. I thought these were the most important times to be home but them MIDDLE SCHOOL happened. I shudder. These crazies need more time and attention now than they ever did before. My Thirty-One business allows me to be involved in their schools, volunteer my time how I want, and be home when they are home.

Now let me make one think clear: I work. I treat my business just like I would a store front. I have to work for my paychecks. I'm not building a pyramid that I get to sit on top of and eat bon bons. I hustle. I work work work work work. (Thanks Rhianna) But at the end of the day- week- month, I am raising my kids.

Why Thirty-One? I'd say because it cost $99, but so do many other companies start up kits. I'd say because I like bags, and that was the original boost, but it's so much more. Thirty-One wants us to succeed and not only succeed but build our businesses consistently. The encourage, celebrate, and reward us. I have a true passion for sharing our products and the opportunity and I believe in this company so much.

Why do I continue? I continue because I have met some of the most extraordinary women who because of Thirty-One I can now call friends. I keep going because I want more from my business. I want more for my kids, more for my husband and more for me!

I hope you will follow my blog and see how Thirty-One can help you achieve your WHYS, even if it as as simple as grocery money!

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